
The SPCK Introduction to Karl Rahner is unavailable, but you can change that!

Karl Rahner, a German Jesuit, was a prominent and influential Catholic theologian of the twentieth century. In the 1950s he was on the margins, his orthodoxy questioned and his work censored. However, a decade later, he was a key theological adviser and shaping influence at the Second Vatican Council. Heavily influenced by Aquinas, his work sought to reconcile Christian faith with contemporary...

because it is so often crucial for understanding what Rahner is up to. What is both strange and powerful about Rahner’s picture of the human being is, to put it very simply, the way in which God comes into it. Being related to God is absolutely fundamental, on Rahner’s account, to who and what we are. Now this may at first sound neither strange nor powerful but like something of a platitude. Any self-respecting theologian, indeed any priest or minister or pious Christian, is going to tell us that
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